Title: Pieces of Autumn
Author: Mara Black
Genre: Dark Romance 18 +
Publish Date: July 31, 2014
Publisher: Indie Published
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.
~ Book Synopsis ~
I wish I could tell you that I was stolen.
Kidnapped off the street in some third-world country, sold against my will, while a desperate family back home waited and prayed and talked about me on the news.
I wish I could tell you that, because then you might understand.
What really happened? I walked to my fate with my eyes wide open. But before you say I deserved whatever happened to me, you should know. I was desperate. I was alone. I was afraid for my life. You would have done the same thing.
I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse.
But then, I woke up in darkness, unable to move. There was only one thing I was sure of: I wasn’t alone anymore.
And then I heard HIS voice...
REVIEW by Monique
“Her fierceness, the intelligence in her eyes, the way she met me eye to eye, no matter what the circumstances. She could kneel, she could bow, but she was never broken. She couldn’t be broken.”
REVIEW by Monique
Bravo - MARA BLACK on your debut novel, for writing a magnificent and
captivating 5-STAR novel!
Autumn is running from someone whom wants her dead,
alone, hungry, desperate, and nowhere to go, she feels she has only one option –
to sell herself. She can only hope a master can save her from her present and
offer a better future, thus meeting Tate.
“Whatever you
think you're doing, stop. I'm not your f*cking knight in tarnished armor. I'm
not a broken man with a heart of gold. I'm pure f*cking evil, and you made the
choice to shackle yourself to me.”
Tate is battling some internal demons himself with
dueling personalities, Tate and Viper. Viper is his darker half whom wants to
consume all of Autumn’s pain.
“I worshipped
her, idealized her, while at the same time I wanted to beat her with a belt
until she cried. A beautiful f**ked – up paradox.”
Autumn was tough and knew what she had to do to
“Her fierceness, the intelligence in her eyes, the way she met me eye to eye, no matter what the circumstances. She could kneel, she could bow, but she was never broken. She couldn’t be broken.”
Autumn finds herself slowly connecting with Tate, all
though they have some rough water ahead.
“This girl
was going to be the death of me. But at least I could enjoy the journey on my
descent into hell.”
PIECES OF AUTUMN is not a fairy-tale
love story, but a story about a desperate girl without options only to sell
herself to a master. What was to occur and offered as a gift was ‘special’. Mara
Black has done a magnificent job writing a captivating story, which kept me
captivated until I finished the book in one day. I look forward to more novels
from Mara Black in the future.
“there was no room in this world for
broken things. And there were shards everywhere. Embedded so deep I’d never get
them out. Pieces of Autumn, scattered across my world and buried in my heart.”
Mara Black’s
novel, PIECES OF AUTUMN, receives - 5 AMAZING STARS!
Purchase links
“Never say that word to me.”
I had never heard his voice like that. Not once. My blood chilled in my veins. If I thought I’d ever been afraid of Tate before, it was nothing. Absolutely nothing compared to this.
I’d wanted to unnerve him, but instead, I seemed to have unhinged him. Unleashed something I didn’t understand, and didn’t want to.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“Too late,” he replied, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath. His tone was pure venom, pure sin, pure fucking evil. “Too late for apologies.”
In that moment, I had three choices.
I could fight him.
I could run.
Or, I could tie myself to the mast and meet him, measure for measure.
I chose the storm. With the hurricane himself standing there, his pulse pounding so loud I could almost hear it, I chose to stand tall.
What was happening? What was he about to do? I had no way of knowing, no way of guessing what he’d do. How he’d ruin me.
But I knew I could survive.
His hand lashed out and grabbed mine, lifting it to his face. Eyes half-lidded, he brought my fingers to his lips, my thumb pressing past them and up against his teeth. Finding resistance, for a moment, until he parted them and suckled it into the soft, wet heat of his mouth.
About the Author
Mara Black is a connoisseur of love that lurks in the shadows .
~ Giveaway ~
~ Signed book of Pieces of Autumn ~
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